Expense Reports & Forfeitures

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Expense Reports

Expense Reports are submitted when a Student Org spends some, all, or more than the funding they were allocated.

This must be completed within 21 days of the end date included in your application for Programs Applications.

For recurring Programs, the last date the program occurs is the end date.

This must be completed within 21 days of the purchase date for Services Applications.

Services funding will remain in the organizations Student Org General Fund until May 31st of the fiscal year. If an organization needs to pay for a recurring Services item, they can submit multiple Expense Reports throughout the year to account for their expenses.

This is done by completing the Expense Report Form (pdf) and emailing it to sorf-finance@illinois.edu.

Forfeiture Forms

Forfeiture Forms can be submitted by any Student Org that received SORF funding if they no longer plan to use the funding. This forfeits the entire application and cannot be used to forfeit part of an application.

This is done by completing the Forfeiture Form (pdf) and emailing it to sorf-finance@illinois.edu.

Student Orgs that receive funding must submit either an Expense Report or Forfeiture Form or they will be suspended from SORF Funding for one academic funding cycle (4 application periods).

Report & Form
