
Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifies a project as being "Student-led"?

A Student-Led Project is one where a currently enrolled Illinois student is the lead figure in defining the goals for and creating the design of the project. Students are encouraged to consult faculty, staff, and/or other professionals while maintaining autonomy.

Are there specific types of expenses that the SSC will not fund?

Yes. Please refer to respective funding standards under How to Apply for Funding.

Will SSC fund multiple projects from the same applicant?

Yes, the SSC can fund multiple projects from the same applicant.

Will SSC fund my research project?

The SSC can fund research projects that have a tangible sustainability impact on the campus-wide community. Research projects that are limited to individual personal gain will not be funded.

Why would my proposal not receive SSC funding?

Below are a few of the most common reasons.

  • The project was not in compliance with SSC’s funding requirements.
  • The application or presentation was too vague.
  • The project did not benefit the campus-wide community.
  • Funding is competitive. We receive many applications for projects every semester and have a limited budget.
  • Failure to comply with the Step 1 or Step 2 application procedure.
  • The project was deemed not feasible.

What happens if I do not submit my Progress Reports and/or Final Project Reports on time?

Project applicants who do not submit required project documentation on time may be disqualified from submitting future applications for SSC funding.

What if my faculty advisor/financial advisor/team members have changed?

Project members can update their team members’ information by submitting a SSC Project Contact Information Change Form.