Student Org Funds

The Student Org Treasurer is the liaison between your org and the SOFC. In addition, they are responsible for maintaining the student orgs financial records and authorizing expenditures.

Student Org General Funds

All student organizations are assigned a Student Org General Fund (internally known as a custodial fund). This is the primary fund for student organizations to manage their money.

The following are essential aspects to know related to the usage of Student Org General Funds:
  • On-Campus Purchases, Off-Campus Purchases, Reimbursements, Donations, and Student Org to Student Org Transfers originate from this fund.
  • All Student Org Resource Fee (SORF) allocations are deposited into this fund. Learn more about SORF. *SORF is the funding board that distributes allocated funds to student orgs, which is not to be confused with the SOFC.
  • This fund must always be at $0.00 or greater. Failure to maintain a positive balance will result in the student org being placed on a Locked status, which will result in a revocation of student org privileges, including but not limited to space reservations, SORF funding, and usage of the SOFC for purchases.
  • All deficits must be cleared within thirty (30) calendar days. Failure to resolve a deficit may result in the balance being charged to the student orgs President’s and Treasurer’s University student account or a referral of the student org to the Office of Student Conflict Resolution for failure to comply with the Illinois Student Code.
  • On-campus departments and units CANNOT transfer money into or out of student org general funds. Only the SOFC can process these transactions. Any transactions that violate this OBFS policy will result in the reversal of the transaction.
  • On-campus departments and units CANNOT purchase on behalf of your student org using University accounts.
  • All student org purchases from a Student Org General Fund require taxes to be paid as the funds are not tax-exempt.
  • All funds received that are generated in any way through the use of university facilities are required to be deposited in the Student Org General Fund.
Expenditures from the Student Org General Fund must be for a lawful purpose and, in general, must:
  • Be for payment for services rendered or for material received.
  • Be related to the educational goals and objectives of the university.
  • Not be for the personal gain of an individual or individuals, except as payment for services rendered.
  • Not be for the purchase of alcoholic beverages or to enable or facilitate by any means the purchase of alcoholic beverages by any person.
  • Not be for the purchase of weapons (as defined in Student Code section 1-309b) or to enable or facilitate by any means the purchase of weapons by any person.
  • Not be for purchasing materials by, through, or from the university for resale to others.

Student Org Gift Funds

Student Orgs may apply for the creation of a Student Org Gift Fund. These funds are for donations made by external parties to the student org and are eligible for a tax benefit through the University of Illinois Foundation. The following are privileges associated with Student Org Gift Funds:

  • All purchases made on behalf of the student org are tax-exempt and eligible to utilize the university’s purchasing power, which includes significantly reduced pricing on certain items.
  • Support from Student Affairs Advancement for annual giving and major gifts to continually enhance and grow the gift fund.
  • Assistance with scholarship financial transfers. Student Org Development & Admin (SODA) coordinates scholarship selection administration.
  • Support from Student Org Development & Admin (SODA) on donor relations.
Interested in applying for a Student Org Gift Fund?

Please email with your inquiry. One of the Student Org Development & Admin staff members will reach out to set up a meeting to discuss your student org’s interest in setting up a gift fund.