
Student Org Statuses

General Student Org Statuses denote whether they are registered and eligible to receive benefits and services from the university.




Requires Registration

  • Eligible to register for its next registration cycle.
  • Student organizations that fail to submit their registration by the end of the Primary Registration Period (see Student Org Types, Cycles & Periods) will lose access to all university benefits and services, including being listed on OneIllinois.
    • Orange Student Org Loss of University Benefits: June 1
    • Blue Student Org Loss of University Benefits: December 16
  • OneIllinois Groups Page Visibility: Student org listed with the following label. If the student organization does not submit a registration by the Primary Registration Period deadline, they will no longer appear on the Groups Page.Group Not Registered Yet OneIllinois Graphic

Registration Pending

  • A registration for its next cycle has been submitted and is under review by Student Engagement or requires modification by the student organization for approval.
  • Student Orgs with registration submissions requiring modifications maintain eligibility for university benefits and services until the end of the Primary Registration Period (see Student Org Types, Cycles & Periods).
    • Submissions requiring modifications that are not re-submitted before the Primary Registration Period will lose university benefits and services.
  • Student Orgs submitting a registration during the Continuing Registration (see Student Org Types, Cycles & Periods) are not eligible for university benefits or services until approved.
  • OneIllinois Groups Page Visibility: Student org listed with the following labelGroup Not Yet Registered Yet OneIllinois Graphic

Locked (only visible to officers)

  • Administrative statuses are manually applied to a student organization by Student Engagement when a student org has one of the following Holds:
    • SOFC Hold
      • Currently has a deficit in their Student Org General Fund, OR
      • Failed to reconcile expected revenue as reported to the SOFC.
    • SORF Hold (ONLY applies to student orgs that have received a SORF allocation)
      • Failed to submit an Expense Report to the SORF Board for their approved allocations.
    • Administrative Hold
      • Placed on an interim suspension by the Dean of Students.
  • Locked student orgs are not eligible for university benefits and services, including being listed on OneIllinois, until the Hold has been resolved.
  • OneIllinois Groups Page Visibility: Student org not listed.


  • Failed to register for the last two (2) consecutive registration cycles or received a Formal Sanction of Revocation of their student organization status by the Office of Student Conflict Resolution per the Illinois Student Code.
  • Inactive student orgs are not eligible for university benefits and services.
  • OneIllinois Groups Page Visibility: Student org not listed.