Education & Development
Student Org Development & Administration offers a series of orientations and workshops throughout the year on various topics related to developing your student organization.
- Checklists: The OneIllinois collection of an Orientation, Quiz, and Terms & Conditions specific to an officer role or function.
- Orientations: These are required by specific officers to be in compliance and have access to University Benefits & Services.
- Quizzes: A method to highlight and confirm student leaders have learned the essential components of the specific orientation.
- Terms & Conditions: An agreement between the Department of Student Engagement and the respective student leader.
- Workshops: Education and training that may interest some or all of your Student Organization members. Due to staff limitations, we are not offering Workshops at this time. We'll communicate with student orgs once this offering is available again.
Contact our office at to see how we can assist in providing any training or workshops.